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  • Increasingly popular ‘eat all’ vegetable, shiny mid-green leaves and white juicy stems. Use as salad leaves, mid sized or fully mature plants. Mature plants stand well in condition, harvest a few stems as required.Sow seed thinly, 1cm (½in) deep in drills 30cm (12in) apart.Thin seedlings to 23cm (9in) apart when large enough to handle, thinnings are suitable for using in salads. Harvest stems as required, picking only a few from each plant.To continue the organic life cycle of these seeds, gardeners should follow recognised organic growing methods, avoiding the use of artificial fertilisers and pesticides.
  • Similar maturity to the old favourite Peer Gynt, producing firm, flavoursome, round, commercial quality buttons which hold well for several weeks on the stem. Ideal for September to November harvest. A later planting will provide buttons for Christmas.Sow thinly into a well-prepared seed bed, 1cm (1/2in) deep in drills 30cm (12in) apart.Transplant when large enough to handle, usually 5-6 weeks from sowing. Plant out at a spacing of 75cm x 75cm (30in x 30in) between plants. Water well until plants are established and especially during dry weather. To avoid danger of clubroot, grow brassicas (cabbages, sprouts, cauliflowers, etc) on a different site each year.
  • Consistently producing dense, tight 500g florets with good colour. Plants show no sign of hollow stem. Early maturing. Can be harvested from 4 months (June-Sept) from successional sowing. Plants produce multiple small spears once the main head is harvested.SOWING INSTRUCTIONS: Sow thinly direct into a finely raked seed bed at a depth of 13mm (½in) until germination which can take 10-14 days.GROWING INSTRUCTIONS: Transplant when large enough to handle leaving 38cm (15in) between plants both ways. Alternatively, the seed can be started in modules/trays in a cold frame or cold greenhouse and planted out after the last frosts.Protect with netting to avoid butterfly attack. After harvesting the main head, side shoots will be produced within several weeks.
  • Producing large, purple-tinged tender heads of up to 13cm (5in)diameter, and offering greater tolerance to heat and cold than Green Globes. More productive in the first year after planting, and over the following 3-4 years.Sow seed singly in 7.5cm (3in) pots on the surface of a good free-draining, damp seed compost, and cover with 6mm (¼in) of compost or vermiculite. Seal container inside a polythene bag and keep at 18-20°C (64-68°F) until after germination which usually takes up to 21 days. Best sown under glass, but can be sown outdoors in April. Transplant during June.When well grown, gradually acclimatise plants to outdoor conditions for up to 14 days before planting out. Plant outside after all risk of frost, 90cm (36in) apart. Water well in dry weather and feed with liquid fertiliser every 2-3 weeks. Cut heads just before the flowers open, with 15cm (6in) of stem. Harvest sparingly in the first season. Plants will need some winter protection: cover the crown of the plant with bracken or straw.SERVING SUGGESTION: Wrap whole artichokes in foil, bake and serve with melted butter.
  • An Oriental/Indian mix that produces an abundance of fruit that is easy to prepare. Not only will these add interest to your greenhouse, they look amazing when cooked as well.Sow in a propagator on a windowsill or in a greenhouse at approximately 15-20°C (60-68°F) using a good quality, finely sieved, moist seed compost.Transplant seedlings into individual 7.5cm (3in) pots when large enough to handle. Plant in final growing position with 45cm (18in) between plants or into 30cm (12in) pots add canes/string to support plants as they grow. Best harvested when the fruit are still shiny and tender.
  • "An easy to grow, unusual vegetable with a unique gourmet flavour. A hint of asparagus - perhaps? Asparagus Pea goes with virtually any dish. Cook whole at 3cm (1in) long, preferably by steaming, and serve with a little melted butter. No flavouring should be used as this will destroy its own delicious taste.Asparagus Pea can also be used in the flower border as attractive ground cover."Sow seeds under glass in pots in early spring or outdoors in late spring. Under glass sow seeds individually in 7.5cm (3in) pots in a good seed compost. Germination usually 7-14 days at 19-21C (65-70F).Harden off and plant out 3cm (12in) apart when all risk of frost is gone. Sow outdoors 1cm (4in) apart in well raked soil in rows 3cm (12in) apart. A little twiggy support will help but is not essential. They prefer a good well drained garden soil and Pick pods regularly while young and tender. Don't allow them to get more than 3cm (1 in) long. Their brick red pea-like flowers make them a very attractive pot-plant indoors in a well lit position, or border edgings outside.
  • Artichoke Green Globe Improved is an artichoke with sharp spines greatly reduced and larger, heavier bearing, consistent quality globe-shaped heads. Height: 120-180cm (4-6ft).Sow seeds outdoors in free draining soil in mid spring when the soil has warmed up. Sow 2-3 seeds in stations 30cm (12in) apart. Seed sown outdoors usually flowers the year after sowing.Thin out so that there is one good plant every 6cm (4in). The thinnings can be transplanted.After harvesting the main head, secondary heads will appear and these too can be used. In cold areas, cover the plant with a mulch of straw, compost or bracken to protect it through the winter.
  • Daisy-like flowers with yellow centres and feathery foliage which has an apple smell when crushed. Makes a delicious soothing tea, skin wash and shampoo. Please note: This chamomile is not suitable for use as a lawn.Sow seeds outdoors April to May. Sow seeds thinly, 12mm (½in) deep in drills 30cm (12in) apart.Thin seedlings if necessary, when large enough to handle, to 15cm (6in) apart. Keep ground weed free, water well during dry periods.Harvest 6-8 weeks after sowing, selecting a few leaves from each plant.
  • A very fragrant selection and distinct improvement over other Thai Basils. Basil Siam Queen has an extra large leaf size and large plants mean more of that intense liquorice fragrance. The bright green leaves make an attractive foil for the purple-red stems which bear violet-pink flowers. Basil Siam Queen is superb as a container plant on the patio where you can smell its aroma. Excellent for bedding edging and the vegetable or flower garden. Height 20-30cm (8-12in).Sow seeds 1.5mm (1/16in) deep in good seed sowing compost from Late February to late April. Germination takes 7-14 days at 65-70F (18-20C).When large enough to handle transplant the seedlings to boxes or 7.5cm (3in) pots and when well grown gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions. Plant out in May after all risk of frost has passed 3cm (12in) apart in full sun and well drained soil. FSave one or two plants to grow indoors on a sunny windowsill. Pick the leaves anytime for fresh use; for drying pick as the flowers start to open.
  • New British breeding for a 100% all purple leaved type with increased vigour and uniformity, and traditional cupped Genovese shaped leaves. An excellent ornamental edible, ideal grown on the windowsill, or in containers or baskets outdoors in the summer.Sow seed on the surface of good, free-draining seed compost. Cover with a fine sprinkling of vermiculite. Place in a propagator or seal container inside a polythene bag and place at 20-25C (68-77F) until after germination which takes 14-21 days. Do not exclude light, as this helps germination. Keep compost barely moist until seedlings emerge to avoid stem rots.Transplant when large enough to handle into 7.5cm (3in) pots. Grow on in cooler conditions for a few days before planting out after risk of frost, 30cm (12in) apart, or into containers.
  • A bushy plant producing a mass of pale green, pointed leaves with a zesty lemon flavour when rubbed or crushed. The plants stand well in condition having good outdoor weather tolerance. Makes an attractive 'ornamental edible' in a patio container. White flowers. RHS AGM. Sow seed on the surface of good, free-draining, seed compost. Cover with a fine sprinkling of vermiculite. Place in a propagator or seal container inside a polythene bag and place at 20-25C (68-77F) until after germination which takes 14-21 days. Do not exclude light, as this helps germination. Keep compost on the dry side at all times, water lightly as seedlings emerge. Transplant seedlings when large to handle into 7.5cm (3in) pots. Grow on in cooler conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of frost, 30cm (12in) apart.
  • This very aromatic annual has tiny deep purple leaves which are borne densely on globular-shaped plants. No need to pinch. The tubular flowers are late to appear and add extra colour to the plant. Purple Ball performs very well under sunny and warm weather conditions and is drought resistant. Can be used just like green basil, perfect in pasta sauce, salads and as a garnish.Sow in a propagator on a windowsill or thinly in pots or trays in a greenhouse at approx 10-15°C (50-59°F) using a good quality compost. Cover seeds with 5mm (?in) compost. Germination 14-21 days.Grow on, planting out when the frost risk has passed, 20-25cm (8-10in) apart. Can also be sown thinly direct outside at a depth of 5mm (?in). Grows best in well-drained soil in a sunny position or in the greenhouse. Remove flowers to prolong leaf harvest.
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