Please note these cactus are assorted and due to stock levels we are unable to pick a specific type of cactus.Likes;-Free-draining, gritty compost. Bright light, so put them on a sunny windowsill all year round.Feeding. To encourage good growth and flowering, feed once a month during the growing season (April–September), using either a liquid feed high in potassium such as a tomato fertilser, or a specialist liquid cacti feed.
Whether you like your prune juice for breakfast or as an afternoon drink, why not treat yourself to a delicious juice full of flavours!Prune juice differs from other fruit juices in the fact it is not made by squeezing fresh fruit, but instead made using dried prunes which are then rehydrated. Our prunes come from Ente plums, the same variety as the famous D’Agen prune, which are virtually fat free.