A super sweet juicy cherry tomato, producing 15g fruits with amazing taste - the very best flavour of all the blight resistant varieties. Heavy cropping plants are smothered in hanging trusses through the season, each producing up to 12 orangey-red fruits per truss. If blight has caused problems with your crops in the past, Rubylicious is the cherry tomato for you.Sow seed on the surface of a free-draining compost and cover with about 6mm (¼in) of compost or vermiculite. Place in a propagator at 18-21°C (65-70°F) until after germination which takes 7-10 days.Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into 7.5cm (3in) pots. Plant in the greenhouse in individual large pots, or 3 plants per growbag when 20cm (8in) high. Can be planted outdoors, 45cm (18in) apart once all frost risk has passed. Plants require sideshooting and support for the best yields. Water and feed plants regularly with a high potash feed once the first truss has set.
A popular early maturing, heavy cropping variety for cold or slightly heated greenhouses with excellent quality fruit. Tomato Shirley is recommended for growbag culture with an open growing habit and resistance to TMV, Cladosporium ABC and Fusarium 1 and 2. Exhibitors' favourite.Sow seeds in late winter for heated greenhouse cultivation or early spring for the cold greenhouse. Sow 6mm (¼in) deep in a good compost. Germination usually take 6-14 days at 24C (75F).Transplant the seedlings when large enough to handle into 8cm (3in) pots and grow on in good light and cooler conditions. When 15-23cm (6-9in) tall plant out 45cm (18in) apart in a prepared greenhouse border soil or growbagFeed regularly once the first truss has set.
An excellent new tomato for glasshouse or outdoor culture to provide lots of deliciously different fruit for salads etc. Tomato Sungold has an exceptional and very high sugar content (it definitely rivals 'Gardeners Delight') these attractive golden orange, approx. 13 gram, fruit are irresistible with a sweet flavour all their own -almost a dessert fruit! Sungold crops well and has resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus and Fusarium to ensure healthy plants.For greenhouse culture sow seeds late winter to early spring 1.5mm (1/16in) deep. Germination usually takes 6-14 days at 24-27C (75-80F).Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into 7.5cm (3in) pots and later plant out into growbags, pots etc. 45-6cm (18-24in) apart. Outside, sow early spring and grow as above. When 2cm (8in) tall gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions andRemove side shoots as they appear and restrict the plant to one main stem. Outdoor plants remove growing tip late summer to hasten ripening.
T&M believe that this is the sweetest cherry tomato we have ever grown, a delicious balance of high sweetness and acidity backed up in independent taste assessments. Thin skinned, shiny red 12g fruits with up to 150 fruits per plant if grown in the greenhouseSow seed on the surface of a free-draining compost and cover with about 6mm (1/4in) of compost or vermiculite. Place in a propagator at 18-21C (65-70F) until after germination which takes 7-10 days.Transplant seedlings, when large enough to handle, into 7.5cm (3in) pots. Plant in the greenhouse in individual large pots, or 3 plants per grow bag when 20cm (8in) high. Can be planted outdoors, 45cm (18in) apart once all frost risk has passed. Plants require side shooting and support for the best yields. Water and feed plants regularly with a high potash feed once the first truss has set.
Vigorous plants producing masses of glossy red 15-20g (1/2-3/4oz), very sweet cherry fruits on long trusses. Indeterminate habit and best grown in the greenhouse, resistant to TMV and fusarium wilt. RHS AGM.Sow seed on the surface of a free-draining compost and cover with about 6mm (1/4in) of compost or vermiculite. Place in a propagator at 18-21C (65-70F) until after germination which takes 7-10 days.Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into 7.5cm (3in) pots. Plant in the greenhouse in individual large pots, or 3 plants per growbag when 20cm (8in) high. Can be planted outdoors, 45cm (18in) apart once all frost has passed. Plants require side shooting and support for the best yields. Water and feed plants regularly with a high potash feed once the first truss has set.
The finest of the preferred supermarket size tomatoes we've grown. Completely greenback free, crops heavily and over THREE WEEKS earlier than Moneymaker. Tomato Tigerella grows well outdoors or in a greenhouse in all areas, has a rich, tangy flavour uniquely its own - and the eye appeal of those clearly defined red and yellow stripes!For greenhouse culture sow seeds late winter to early spring 1.5mm (1/16in) deep. Germination usually takes 6-14 days at 24-27C (75-80F)."Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into 8cm (3in) pots and later plant out into grow bags, pots etc, at 45-6cm (18-24in) apart.Outside, sow early spring and grow as above. When 2cm (8in) tall gradually acclimatise to outdoor co""Provide support and tie in regularly. Remove side shoots as they appear and restrict the plant to one main stem.Outdoor plants - remove growing tip in late summer to hasten ripening."
Create brilliant colour in your garden in autumn and throughout spring with our mixture of Polyanthus Crescendo. They are ideal for growing in containers and pots around the patio or in borders, where they will complement your bulb display. beautifully. Our vibrant mixture is one of the original and best of any Polyanthus, producing exciting colours on strong stems. Height 25cm. Sold in a 9cm pot.
British bred, the Veranda Red has taken 15 years to perfect and shows good resistance to Fusarium, Verticillium and some blight. Compared to other dwarf tomato varieties, the Veranda Red has the most delicately sweet flavour, just like a vine tomato you would grow in a greenhouse. Early ripening from mid-July this tomato plant will produce up to 75 juicy, 12-16g fruits per plant.SOWING INSTRUCTIONS: Sow in pots or in a propagator on a windowsill at approximately 18-21°C (65-70°F) using a good quality moist compost. Cover seeds with 6mm (¼in) of sieved compost until germination which can take 7-14 days.GROWING INSTRUCTIONS: Transfer seedlings when large enough to handle into 11cm (4in) pots and grow on to fruiting on the windowsill. Alternatively, when the risk of frost has passed, you can plant in a window box or into 25cm (10in) pots on the patio.Bush variety, no pinching or staking required.
If you have never tried to grow this vegetable, you must try Turnip Oasis. Can be picked at any size with a surprisingly sweet juicy flavour similar to a melon. Turnip Oasis is delicious when eaten raw like an apple, or grated and added to salads. Resistant to virus. Ideal for summer and autumn harvests.Sow seeds April through to July, at 4 weekly intervals. Sow seeds thinly, 1cm (½in) deep in drills 30cm (12in) apart.Thin seedlings when large enough to handle to 1-15cm (4-6in) apart.For best results turnips should be grown quickly, help to achieve this by watering well at all stages. Harvest when still medium size for the best flavour. Prefers a well drained, moist, fertile soil. Harvest May to September.
A first-class white, globe turnip. Turnip Snowball is early, juicy and sweet flavoured, will yield a good supply from early summer to early winter, and the tops make most nutritious and tasty 'greens'.Turnips grow best on rich well manured soil but will grow on ordinary fertile soil to which has been added plenty of well rotted compost. Sow seeds in succession from spring to mid summer, 1cm (½in) deep in drills 30cm (12in) apart.Thin out the seedlings to 1-15cm(4-6in) apart.Turnips should be grown quickly and kept well watered. Harvest them before they get too large for the best flavour. For greens follow above instructions but don't thin out. The season can be extended by sowing under cloches in early spring and again in late summer.
Consistently performing well in the UK, this small fruited variety matures and ripens quickly to produce oval fruit with delicious, sweet tasting and succulent flesh. Best grown in a polytunnel or greenhouse.Sow seed 2cm (3/4in) deep in 7.5cm (3in) pots of good seed compost at 21-25°C (70-77°F) from April to May. Place in a propagator or seal container in a polythene bag until after germination.After germination, maintain a minimum temperature of 15C (60°F) and keep the compost moist but not wet. When melon plants are well grown, transplant them at a spacing of 2 plants per growbag or 1m (3ft) apart under frost free glass. Provide netting for plants to climb up or allow to crawl over the ground (2.5m).