Long, banana-shaped shallots from seed, as used by many celebrity chefs. Banana Shallot produces attractive, shiny, copper brown-skinned bulbs with crisp white flesh and a very distinct flavour. Sowing densities will determine the size of bulbs you harvest. Stores well for winter use in the kitchen.Sow March to May. Sow seeds thinly, ideally in broad drills similarly as spring onions, 13mm (½in) deep in drills 30cm (12in) apart. Thin seedlings if necessary, larger bulbs will form if given 4cm (1½in) spacings.
"A really quick growing mix for those gardeners who cannot wait! Salad Leaves Speedy Mixed produces a tasty blend of tastes, textures, colours and leaf shapes for sandwiches, salads and garnishes. Quickest during the summer months when Speedy Mixed will produce 'salad leaves' in about 25 days, but can also be sown all year indoors.Contents: Salad Rocket Victoria, Greek Cress, Mizuna, Mustard Green & Red Frills, Pak Choi Canton White."Sow seeds thinly, 12mm (½in) deep in drills 23cm (9in) apart.Thin seedlings if necessary, when large enough to handle, to 1cm (4in) apart.Keep ground weed free, water well during dry periods. Harvest a few leaves from each plant.
A welcome addition for your salad leaves. Best grown outdoors. Polycress is quick maturing with an upright habit making large, dissected, slightly pungent leaves about 25 days from sowing. Sow seeds in succession for a complete season of 'baby salad leaves'. Polycress is slow to bolt if kept well watered.Sow seeds March to September at 3 week intervals. Sow seeds thinly, 1cm (½in) deep in drills, 30cm (12in) apart. Best suited to outdoor growing in moist, well-drained soil.Thin seedlings to 5cm (2in) apart when large enough to handle.Harvest leaves as required, picking only a few from each plant. Can also be grown in punnets or trays indoors as 'seedling cress'.
A bright blend of coloured salad leaves, Bright & Spicy Salad Leaves consist of milder flavoured Pak Choy Golden Yellow, Choy Sum and Mizuna, plus a hint of spice from the Greek cress and mustard Red Frills. Bright & Spicy Salad Leaves are delightful added to salads, sandwiches and garnishes."Sow seeds March to September outdoors, October to February under glass and all the year round on the windowsill.Sow seeds thinly, 13mm (½in) deep in pots of multipurpose compost on the windowsill, larger containers on the patio, or sow in drills 23cm (9in) apart in the garden."Thin seedlings if necessary when large enough to handle to 1cm (4in) apart.If sown in the garden keep weed free and water well during dry periods. Harvest a few leaves from each plant regularly.
With good resistance to late blight, these vigorous, semi-determinate plants can easily produce over 200 red ‘grape’ tomatoes that boast a BRIX sweetness rating of 9.6 which is unusual for outdoor-grown tomatoes. Plants will need support, a wire cage framework for air movement and to keep fruit off the soil.Sow seed on the surface of a good, free-draining, damp seed compost and cover with a sprinkling of vermiculite or compost. Place in a propagator or seal inside a polythene bag and keep at 20-25?C (68-77?F) until after germination which takes 10-14 days.Transplant when large enough to handle into 7.5cm (3in) pots. Plant outdoors once all risk of frost is passed 1.2m (4ft) apart. Plants have a spreading habit and may require trimming to keep tidy. Water and feed plants regularly with a high potash feed once the first truss has set.
Large, round, vibrant, pure-red 280–350g fruits entice with heirloom aromatics and tangy tomato sweetness. Ripening from late July, the large fruits are produced in clusters of three to four per truss. ‘Burlesque’ tomatoes are easy to pick and show no cracking.SOWING INSTRUCTIONS: Sow March-April for greenhouse growing (or April for outdoor growing) in a propagator on a windowsill, pots or trays in a greenhouse at 18-21°C (65-70°F) using a good quality compost. Cover seeds with 6mm compost until germination which can take 7-14 days.GROWING INSTRUCTIONS: Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into 7.5cm (3in) pots. Plant into larger pots, direct into a greenhouse border or outdoors 45cm (18in) apart once the risk of frost has passed.Support with a cane and remove side shoots regularly. Feed regularly with tomato food
Beef type tomato, up to 750g in weight. Disease resistant, especially to late blight. Unique yellow with red/orange flame colouration on the outside which results in a nicely marbled interior. Meaty flesh with few seeds.Pot up in reliably moist, well-drained soil, grow tomato plants on in warm frost-free conditions until large enough to plant outdoors.Transplant seedlings singly into 7.5cm (3in) pots. Grow on, finally planting into large pots, or direct into a greenhouse border; or outdoors 45cm (18in) apart when the risk of frost has passed. Support with cane and remove side shoots regularly. Feed regularly with tomato food.
Early ripening for a beefsteak with few seeds and lots of tasty flesh which holds its juice well. The flavour is noticeably good for a beefsteak variety. Good resistance to Fusarium and Verticillium Wilt.Sow seeds on the surface of a good, free-draining, damp, seed compost and cover with a sprinkling of compost or vermiculite. Place in a propagator, or seal inside a poythene bag at a temperature of 20-25°C (68-77°F) until after germination which takes 10-14 days. When seedlings gain 2 true leaves, transplant into individual 7.5cm (3in) pots of compost and grow on at a minimum temperature of 15°C (59°F).GROWING ON UNDER GLASS: When growing in a heated greenhouse, Tomato plants may be transplanted at the end of May or earlier if the first flowers are showing. Allow 3 plants per growbag, or one per 25cm (10in) pot, or plant directly into the greenhouse soil. GROWING ON OUTDOORS: When growing tomatoes outdoors, wait until all risk of frost has passed before transplanting. Choose a sheltered position in full sun on fertile, reliably moist, well-drained soil, and transplant at a distance of 60cm (24in) apart. Plants require sideshooting and support. Water and feed regularly with a high potash feed once the first truss has set.
Specially developed to help you get the best out of your tub and hanging basket displays, this fertiliser contains all the vital plant foods and essential trace elements, plus special ‘wetting agents’ that improve the penetration of the liquid fertiliser into the compost. This enhances root development and growth, leading to an abundant and colourful display of high quality flowers.Ideal for tubs, window boxes, planters and hanging baskets, it should be mixed with water according to the pack instructions and applied at weekly intervals throughout the growing season.
Tomato ‘Bite Size’ has a higher sugar to acidity ratio than most other cherry varieties. The small cherry tomatoes, each weighing 8-12g, are borne on long trusses. This vigorous variety will produce up to 6kg of fruit with regular side-shooting, giving you more than enough tasty tomatoes for your family’s salads, snacks and lunch boxes.Sow in a propagator on a windowsill or pots or trays in a greenhouse using a good quality compost. Cover seeds with 6mm (¼in) compost.Transplant seedlings singly into 7.5cm (3in) pots. Grow on, finally planting into large pots, or direct into a greenhouse border; or outdoors 45cm (18in) apart when the risk of frost has passed. Support with cane and remove side shoots regularly. Feed regularly with tomato food.
Consistently outperforms other spaghetti squash varieties. When mature, fruits turn a bright, canary yellow. Large enough to feed a family; the tasty, yellow flesh is the perfect substitute for pasta. Incredibly, fruits will keep for up to 6 months once the skin hardens!Sow seed 2cm (¾in) deep in 7.5cm (3in) pots of good seed compost at 21-25°C (70-77°F). Place in a propagator or seal container in a polythene bag until after germination. Can also be sown direct outdoors once the soil has warmed. Do not sow in cold soils. Sow 2 seeds every 1.2m (4ft) and thin out to the best seedling. Ideally grow under cloches until the plant is established.Gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions for a few days before planting out 1.2m (4ft) apart each way after all risk of frost has passed. Keep well watered throughout the season. Feed and mulch regularly.