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  • Buxus spiral is perfect for either a sunny or more shaded area offering you flexibility to position where required in your garden. These topiary plants looks equally as stunning either in the ground or in a pot. The dense leaves and attractive shape of this ball buxus makes it ideal for topiary work.
  • Similar in taste to a cayenne chilli, but with a fruitier, sweeter note. Chillies can be used at any stage or ripeness, with the gorgeous purple being the mildest flavour. An old American heirloom variety, rediscovered back in 1944.Using a good quality, moist seed compost, sow your seeds in a propagator and cover with 6mm (¼in) compost. Place on a windowsill or in a greenhouse at approximately 21-24°C (70-75°F) to germinate, usually 7-14 days.Transfer seedlings into 7.5cm (3in) pots and grow on. Once they are 15cm (6in) tall, transfer to 25cm (10in) pots and keep warm on a sunny patio or ideally, in a greenhouse (once all chance of frost has passed). Once the first fruit has set, feed every two weeks with tomato food and provide support with canes as fruit ripen.
  • An autumn/early winter vegetable. Celeriac Monarch is an excellent, high quality variety which has very smooth, easily washable, creamy coloured roots. Easier to grow than celery and can be grated raw over salads, cut into slices and boiled, or into strips which are fried. T&M's illustration shows Celeriac cubed and served with a walnut butter. An exciting dish which you too can create by using the FREE recipe, sent with each packet.Sow seeds from February to April 3mm (1/8in) deep in a good seed compost. Germination takes 21-25 days at 20-25C (70-75F). Sealing in a polythene bag after sowing is helpful. Lower the temperature after germination.When large enough to handle, transplant the seedlings 4cm (1½in) apart into boxes. Gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions and plant out in June 3-35cm (12-15in) apart in full sun and well drained soil.Keep well watered especially in dry spells. Hoe regularly and remove any side shoots which may form. Harvest the roots in October-November. In late November lift any remaining and store in damp sand in a cool dry place for winter use.
  • "A very useful, very white, dwarf variety that can be sown and harvested at most of the cauliflower harvesting periods of the year. Cauliflower All The Year Round will make very large, tight heads and is one of the easiest to grow as well. A very useful cauliflower for frame culture and successional sowings.Prefers a moist, rich well drained soil for optimum heads.""Sow seeds February to May, or October overwintered in coldframes. Sow in individual pots or a seed tray of good seed compost and cover with 6mm (¼in) of compost or vermiculite, at a minimum of 15C (60F), until germination which takes around 7 days.Alternatively, can be sown thinly in a prepared seed bed 13mm (½in) deep, allowing 30cm (12in) between rows."Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into larger pots, or transplant from the seed bed around 5 weeks from sowing. Allow 25cm (1in) between plants each way for 'baby heads', or 6cm (24in) each way for larger heads.
  • Late maincrop nantes, producing very long smooth-skinned roots up to 23cm long. High resistance to Cavity spot and crown disease. Very strong, tapered roots, with exceptional resistance to breakage and splitting. A great winter harvest.Sow carrot seeds thinly at a depth of 13mm (½in) in drills 30cm (12in) apart.When large enough to handle, thin out the seedlings within each row to 5cm (2in) apart. Where space is limited, growing carrots in containers will also produce a worthwhile crop. Carrots dislike freshly manured soils so seedbeds are best prepared in autumn, well in advance of spring sowings.
  • "Approximate root length: 12-15cms (5-6 inches).Excellent as a Maincrop variety, with superb storage capabilities. Carrot Resistafly produces larger, cylindrical, smooth, more blunt ended roots than Flyaway, with the sweetest of flavours. Good early vigour, with good skin and core colour when later sown, as a Maincrop."Sow May to June. Sow seeds thinly, 1cm (1/2in) deep in drills 30cm (12in) apart.Thin seedlings carefully when large enough to handle, to reduce risk of carrot root fly attack.Prefers well drained, moist, rich soil. Later sowings give good colour when lifted and stored.
  • An 'American slicer' outstanding in T&M outdoor trials in a poor growing season. Trailing plants produce a good crop of very dark green skinned 22-25cm (9-10in) juicy, but crisp, bitter free fruits with soft white spines with slow seed development.Sow seed 1cm (1/2in) deep, in 7cm (3.5in) pots of free-draining compost. Place in a propagator and keep at around 20-25C (68-77F until after germination, which usually takes 7-10 days.Gradually acclimatise plants to outdoor conditions for a few days before planting out after all risk of frost, 90cm (36in) apart. Pick fruits regularly when small to ensure continuous cropping. Feed and water regularly for increased yields.
  • Plants are bred to be semi-trailing and are ideal for larger patio containers. Fruits can be harvested in about 8 weeks from transplanting. Pick regularly when fruits are 5cm ‘cornichons’ or when they are 10cm long for pickling or salad use.Sow seed 13mm (½in) deep in 7.5cm (3in) pots of good seed compost. Place pots in a propagator or seal in a polythene bag and keep at 21-25?C (70-77?F) until after germination which usually takes 5-7 days. Alternatively, sow seed directly into the soil outside once it has warmed and there is no further risk of frost. Sow at a depth of 2cm (¾in) 75cm (2.5ft) apart and in rows 75cm (2.5ft) apart.Gradually acclimatise plants to outdoor conditions before planting out after last frosts. Leave 75cm (2.5ft) between plants in each direction. Do not remove the male flowers. Best grown outdoors, allow to trail on the ground or plant in larger patio containers. Ensure no ‘all female’ varieties are also being grown so as to avoid cross pollination. Feed with potash fertiliser once fruiting commences.
  • High numbers of small smooth skinned fruits which are tender, crisp, sweet and seedless. Keep picking regularly at 10 -12cm ( 4-5in) size, no need to peel, just wash and enjoy. All female flowering ( parthenocarpic) so sets fruit without pollination. Plants have good powdery and downy mildew resistance, and performs both under glass and outdoors in a sunny position.Sow seed 1cm (1/2in) deep, in 7.5cm (3.5in) pots of free-draining compost. Place in a propagator and keep at a temperature of around 20-25C (68-77F) until after germination, usually 5-7 days. When first true leaves develop, transplant into 13cm (5in) pots. Finally, plant into 25cm (10in) pots or into growbags. Grow on at a minimum of 15C (59F). Train along wire, allowing the main shoot to reach the tip. Pinch out growing point and allow two side shoots to trail downwards. Keep plants moist at all times and shade if necessary. Keep humidity high and pick fruits regularly.
  • Extremely productive and resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, tolerant to powdery mildew and fusarium wilt. The perfect size for smaller families or those who don’t want half a cucumber left in the fridge! Indoor variety.Sow seeds singly along edge in 9cm (2.5in) pots under glass at 21°C (70°F) from March-May.Later plant into large pots, about 25cm (10in) in size, or plant them out in the greenhouse border once frosts have passed in late May/June. Maintain night temperatures of 16–18°C (60–65°F). Best grown up netting supports.
  • "An all female 'American slicer', Cucumber Swing is ideal for both outdoor and greenhouse growing. Plants produce a heavy crop of slightly spined dark green cucumbers 20cm (8in) long with a crisp, juicy flesh.Cucumber Swing has excellent powdery mildew, weather and scab resistance."Sowing time: February to May.
    Sow seeds 1cm (½in) deep, in 7cm (3in) pots of free-draining compost. Place in a propagator and keep at a temperature of around 20-25C (68-77F) until after germination, usually 5-7 days.When first true leaves develop, transplant into 13cm (5in) pots. Plant outdoors once all risk of frost has past, allowing 9cm (3ft) between plants. Can also be grown under glass similarly to other all female cucumbers.Keep plants well fed and watered throughout the growing season, to encourage the best quality fruits.
  • Dimensions: Height 4cm x Width 3cm x Length 4cm.
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