Versatile mix of salad leaves which are delicious cooked gently in stir fries or eaten raw in salads. Sow outdoors from April to June, providing protection from aphids and caterpillars with enviromesh, then sow from September to March under glass to provide a long cropping season. Leaves will be ready to harvest within 8-10 weeks from sowing.Sow very thinly, 12mm (½in) deep, in rows 38cm (15in) apart. Alternatively sow singularly in jiffy modules or similar, or space sow 25mm (1in) apart in filled seed trays of moist seed compost.Thin to 10cm (4in) for ‘baby leaf’, to 20cm (8in) for larger plants and to 30cm (12in) for fully mature plants. Transplant module raised plants to 30cm (12in) apart. Keep well watered throughout the growing period to avoid bolting and flavour loss, especially during summer. Harvest outdoor sowings June to October and under glass sowings November to May.
"This innovative blend will add oriental flavours, colours and textures to your salads. Niche Oriental Mixed is ideal for sowing in succession, to pick leaves as you need them. Can also be grown under glass during the winter months to provide a complete season of harvesting.Niche Oriental Mixed is ideal for containers on the patio.Featuring leaf Mustards, Golden Streaked and Red, Komatsuna, Mizuna and Sky Rocket."Sow seeds March to September outdoors. Sow October to February under glass or in coldframes. Sow seeds thinly 13mm (½in) deep in drills 23cm (9in) apart.Thin seedlings if necessary, when large enough to handle, to 1cm (4in) apart.Keep ground weed free, water well during dry periods. Harvest a few leaves from each plant.
Oriental Mustards add tastes and textures to your mixed salads, sandwiches and garnishes and also stir fries. Sow regularly all the year round for a constant supply of 'salad leaves'. Pick the nutritious leaves of Oriental Mustards in under 30 days from sowing during summer months. Ideal in containers on the patio. Good source of provitamin A, vitamins C and K, and folate. CONTENTS: Mustards Red Giant, Red Feather and green frilled Pizzo.Sow seeds March to September outdoors or October to February under glass or all the year round on the windowsill. Sow seeds thinly, 12mm (½in) deep in drills 23cm (9in) apart.Thin seedlings if necessary, when large enough to handle, to 1cm (4in) apart.Keep ground weed free and water well during dry periods. Harvest a few leaves from each plant.
This bright blend of coloured salad leaves offers a contrasting range of crunchy leaf textures with a mild flavour, plus a hint of spice from the Greek Cress giving some added bite. Delightful added to salads, sandwiches and garnishesSow very thinly, 13mm (1/2in) deep in pots of multipurpose compost on the windowsill, large containers on the patio, or sow in drills 23cm (9in) apart in the garden. Thin seedlings to minimise overcrowding or spindly seedlings when large enough to handle to 6mm (1/4in) apart. If sown in the garden keep weed free and water well during dry periods. Harvest a few leaves from each plant regularly.
Mixture contains a selection from the following herbs: Salad Rocket, Red Giant Mustard, Green Wave Mustard, Miluna. A unique selection of fresh leaves, especially to create a taste of the orient in salads or stir-frys. Culinary Collection Nice 'n' Spicy blend provides a real alternative to normal salad leaves, adding new textures, colours and tastes."Sow seeds thinly, 2cm (¾in) deep in drills 45-60cm (18-24in) apart in soil that has been raked to a fine tilth.For continuous supply sow seeds every 2 weeks from April onwards.Sowings made in late summer will carry on cropping into winter if given protection by cloches."When large enough to handle, thin seedlings to 23-3cm (9-12in) apart. Prefers any soil in good sun.Harvest young leaves as required, picking only a few from each plant.
Perfect to use throughout autumn and into the new year from September to late January. This purple skinned variety has good, firm flesh with a consistent colour and very good taste. Lift as required or all at once and store in sand until needed. Makes a beautiful gratin when sliced thinly with potatoes, covered in cream and baked.SOWING INSTRUCTIONS: Sow thinly into finely raked, warm, moist soil at a depth of 1cm (½in) in rows 45cm (18in) apart. Germination can take 7-14 days.GROWING INSTRUCTIONS: Thin seedlings to 15cm apart. Grow in well cultivated soil; the addition of garden lime may improve crops. Keep well watered in dry weather. Twist off tops when harvesting.
These purple-topped and white-bottomed summer radishes provide an attractive splash of colour to the vegetable garden. Olive-shaped, peppery roots are ready to harvest from just 25 days after sowing. Sow successionally outdoors from March to September or in pots under glass to prolong the season.Sow thinly in broad drills, 1cm (½in) deep, 30cm (12in) apart in soil which has been raked to a fine tilth. Water ground regularly, especially during dry periods.Thin as necessary, allowing 2.5cm (1in) between seedlings and keep watered to prevent bolting (running to seed) and a harvest of hot, pithy roots.
Quicker maturing and with a slightly milder taste than China Rose. Earliest sowings are ready in 50 days whilst later sowings provide delicious ‘winter radishes’. The smooth, pinky red-skinned roots are best pulled when about 10cm (4in) long. Superb sliced in salads and in stir fries.Sow April to July, earliest sowings ready in 50 days. Sow seeds thinly, 1cm (½in) deep in drills 30cm (12in) apart in soil which has been raked to a fine tilth.When large enough to handle, thin out seedlings to 1cm (4in) apart.Best pulled when 1cm (4in) in length. Later sowings store for winter salads.
The first purple-skinned French Breakfast radish with a white tip that provides a peppery punch. Sow ‘little and often’ during March to September for a continuous supply of these crisp, tasty radishes.Sow thinly in broad drills, 1cm (½in) deep, 30cm (12in) apart in soil which has been raked to a fine tilth. Water ground regularly, especially during dry periods.Thin as necessary, allowing 2.5cm (1in) between seedlings and keep watered to prevent bolting (running to seed) and a harvest of overly hot, pithy roots.
Pinky-cream coloured, oval, sometimes curving fruit (hence the name) will store all winter long. Trailing variety which can reach 4m long, so make sure to give plants some space or grow down the side of your plot or along a fence. Reliable and easy to grow, even in the UK.Sow in a propagator on a windowsill or one seed (on edge) per 7.5cm (3in) pot in a greenhouse at approximately 20-25°C (68-78°F) using a good quality, moist compost. Cover seeds with 19mm (¾in) compost.Grow on, planting out when frost risk has passed. Alternatively, sow direct late May into soil placing 2 seeds per station and thin to leave the strongest seedling. Plants will trail up to 3m, so give plenty of space, train up a fence or trim to size. Spread is up to 4m.
Timperley Early Features:-This variety that can be harvested as early as February. Succulent red-based pink stems, passing to light green with red freckling. Very tender with a delicious sweet flavour. The leaves are very attractive but have a high level of oxalic acid that they are slightly poisonous. Self FertileUses: Eating & Cooking (not leaves)Easy variety to grow - performs well outside.Rhubarb Growing Tips:Needs an open, sunny site with moist, but free-draining soil. Avoid frost pockets as the stems are susceptible to frost. Do not harvest during the first year after planting as this will reduce the vigour. Once planted, 'it should not be moved' and appreciates a generous annual mulch of well-rotted compost or manure.Sold in a 3 litre pot.Picture image courtesy of Frank P Matthews.