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  • Indispensable salad plant, regularly included in mixed salad leaves in supermarket packs. The rich green, soft textured, slightly nutty but mild flavoured leaves are rich in vitamin A, B and C and also iron, potassium and other nutrients.Sow thinly, 1cm (1/2in) deep in broad drills 30cm (12in) apart.Thin seedlings as necessary to 5cm (2in) apart when large enough to handle, thinnings will be suitable for using in salads. Keep watered during spells of dry weather.
  • A fine lettuce known for its exceptional cold resistance and bred solely for autumn sowings. Lettuce Arctic King is a large lettuce, light green in colour, with tasty, crinkled leaves.Sow seeds thinly in late summer and autumn 6mm (¼in) deep in drills 23-30cm (9-12in) apart. A moist well drained soil which has had plenty of compost during the previous autumn is best. In very hot weather it is best to water the soil before sowing and to make sowings during the early afternoon.Thin out gradually to 23-3cm (9-12in) apart.Harvest when the head feels firm when gently pressed. Harvest in spring (usually May). In cold winter areas cloche protection should be given. Unsuitable for spring and summer sowings.
  • Performs outstandingly whether sown early or late and does well over a long season. Leek Autumn Giant 2 Argenta matures in October, yet stands ready for harvest right through to May, giving high quality, thick, long and very heavy stems, of excellent mild flavour and yield with few bolters. NIAB Recommended.Leeks prefer ordinary well drained soil in sun or semi shade and can follow early peas or potatoes. Sow seeds in early spring outdoors in a well prepared seed bed. Sow seeds thinly 1cm (½ inch) deep in drills 23cm (9inches) apart.In early summer lift the seedlings carefully and plant 15 to 38cm (6 to 15 inches) apart, making 15cm (6 inches) deep holes and inserting seedlings as far as the first leaf. Then fill the hole with water NOT SOIL. Earth up the stems as growth develops
  • Ideal for sowing in an unheated greenhouse. A mix of 4 ‘winter greens’ that can be sown for ‘salad leaves’ but are ideally module raised and transplanted for full sized plants. Delicious, fresh leaves and tender stems. Ideal as a steamed vegetable throughout the winter months. Can also be sown outdoors during summer/autumn.Sow thinly, 12mm (1/2in) deep, in rows 38cm (15in) apart.Thin to 10cm (4in) for ‘baby leaf’, to 20cm (8in) for larger plants and to 30cm (12in) for fully mature plants. Keep well watered throughout the growing period to avoid bolting and flavour loss. An innovative use of an unheated greenhouse through the winter
  • British bred culinary Swede with hybrid vigour and uniformity, growing very well in less fertile soil making it the perfect home gardener’s choice. Globe-shaped, purple topped, with cream skin and tasty cream flesh of fine texture. Ideal for late autumn harvest.Sow thinly, 1cm (1/2in) deep in drills 38cm (15in) apart in soil that has been raked to a fine tilth.When large enough to handle, thin seedlings to 15cm (6in) apart. Keep plants well watered and hoe regularly. Roots can be stored in damp peat for winter use.
  • "An exciting mix of for 'high-sugar' varieties, developed from Sweet Dumpling types. the bushy plants of Squash High Sugar Mixed produce 'one meal' sized fruits of acorn or dumpling shape, weighing 500g-750g (1lb-1½lb). Sweet flesh, average 14-16 brix (sugar) levels.Squash High Sugar Mixed contains Harlequin (acorn, cream with green stripes), Celebration (acorn, cream with orange stripes, green flecks), Table Star (acorn, green) Sweet Lightning (dumpling, creamy orange with darker orange stripes)."Sow seeds 13mm (½in) deep in 7cm (3in) pots of a good, free-draining, moist seed compost, at 20-25C (68-77F). Place in a propagator or seal container inside a polythene bag until after germination which takes 7-10 days. Seeds can also be sown direct outdoors once the soil has warmed. Sow two seeds every 90cm (36in) and later thin to the strongest seedling.Gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions for a few days before planting out after all risk of frost, 9cm (36in) apart.
  • High quality half-long, cylindrical radishes with a white tip. When you bite into Radish Flamboyant Sabina, the first reaction is "wow!". The flavour really is refreshingly strong, crisp and clean. It's just what the summer salads needs.Radishes grow well in most soils, but prefer rich, moist free draining soils. Sow seeds at regular intervals from March-August into well cultivated soil. Sow seeds very thinly 1cm (½in) deep in drills 15cm (6in) apart.Thin out seedlings to 3-5cm (1-2in) apart. Water during dry spells.For summer sowings choose a moist cool spot to prevent running to seed. As radishes grow so fast and use less of the soil goodness, use them totally as a catch crop with other slower-maturing produce. Harvest as soon as the roots reach reasonable size, if left too long they will become hot and woody.
  • The reddish-purple leaves, which are heavily marbled with pink and white, are perhaps the most striking feature of this deciduous shrub. It does however also produce small, red-tinted, pale yellow flowers in mid to late spring and later in the year, glossy red berries. It makes a great specimen plant for a well-drained sunny border and should be clipped each year in autumn or winter to keep the colouring at its best.Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: well-drained soilSold in a 3 litre pot.
  • A visually stunning array of colorful radishes all with crisp, white, delicious flesh. All have round to plum-shaped roots with white, purple, red, red and white or stunning gold skins. Ideal for adding peppery warmth to summer salads or sandwiches.Sow thinly in 1cm (½in) deep broad drills 30cm (12in) apart, in soil which has been raked to a fine tilth. Water ground regularly, especially during dry periods.Thin as necessary, allowing 2.5cm (1in) between seedlings and keep watered to prevent bolting (running to seed) and hot, pithy roots.SERVING SUGGESTION: Either whole or sliced roots will add a range of colours to the salad bowl.
  • Image show plant when in flower.This is a delightful variety of periwinkle which features delicate lavender blue flowers that have soft white centres. The flowers are long-lasting and will provide great interest throughout spring, summer and until the first frosts in autumn. With this being an evergreen variety the leaves will also give you year-round colour. This creeping shrub is great for groundcover and is particularly well-suited to the smaller garden.Position: full sun, partial shade, full shadeSoil: fertile, well-drained soilSold in a 3 litre.Image ©Farplants Sales Ltd
  • A fragrant evergreen male skimmia developing tightly packed pinkie lime green buds through winter when the garden is often short of colour. Large panicles of beautifully perfumed bell shaped inflorescent flowers appear two toned and short red brown stems through March and April give 'Fragrant Cloud' a long interesting period and beautiful scent.Sold in a 5 litre pot.

    Square AFK wooden planters made in the UK using FSC Timber.(Image shown is Teak in colour.)Heavy duty timber frame ideal for "Grow your Own" produce. Ready assembled and factory finished. COMES WITH FREE PRE FORMED HEAVY DUTY LINER 43cm x 39cm x 39cm
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