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  • In late winter to early spring, Camellia Bonomiana puts on a stunning display of formal double, rose-pink streaked with deep pink flowers. It has elegant, glossy, dark-green, evergreen leaves.Camellia are easy to grow, glossy evergreens. They are ideal for containers. Their showy flowers come in whites, pinks and reds and appear early in the season; a time when not much else is flowering. Water your camellias regularly when they are newly planted (the first 18 months) and water through the summer months as this is when the flowers are produced. Aim to keep the soil moist.Sold in a 10 litre pot.
  • Camellia are evergreen shrubs with simple, ovate, glossy, leathery leaves and showy flowers with solitary or clustered flowers early in the year March to April.'The name is slightly deceptive as the larger, outer petals that form are white. They do however have a ruff of pale yellow petals at the centre of each flower that give it a lemon hue. Camellia plants require a moist, well drained, acid soil in a sheltered, shaded position.Picture image shows plant when in flower.Sold in a 3 litre pot.Web Orders: Due to the nature of this product we are unable to send by post or courier.We deliver to locally, we also offer a click and collect service.
  • The slender red stems of this low spreading, woody perennial are clothed in bright green leaves, which take on spectacular red shades in autumn before they fall. They are mainly grown however for their vivid blue flowers, which form in small clusters from late summer to mid-autumn. A superb plant for adding late colour to the front of the border, it will become drought tolerant once established.Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: moderately fertile and well-drainedRate of growth: averageFlowering period: August to OctoberHardiness: fully hardySold in a 1 litre pot.Picture image courtesy of HGC, DE.Web Orders: Due to the nature of this product we are unable to send by post or courier.We deliver to locally, we also offer a click and collect service.
  • Choisya Sundance is a medium-sized evergreen shrub of rounded habit with glossy bright yellow, ternate leaves and small clusters of fragrant white flowers.Sold in a 11cm pot.
  • A favourite low maintenance shrub, this really stands out in the garden, thanks to its bright yellow foliage. Produces a show of fragrant white flowers in early summer and sometimes again in autumn too. Being evergreen, its particularly suited for use in winter patio planters, try it with contrasting Leucothe. Sold in an 11cm pot.
  • This popular, palm-like tree has arching, lance shaped, light green leaves, retained throughout the year. Mature trees produce dramatic white flower spikes that smell exquisite. It's an ideal focal point plant for a sunny, protected border, patio or for the exotic garden. It is also faster growing than the varieties with coloured foliage. In frost-prone areas it's best grown inside a warm greenhouse or conservatory.Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, well-drained soilSold in a 10 litre pot.
  • This popular, palm-like tree has arching, lance shaped, light green leaves, retained throughout the year. Mature trees produce dramatic white flower spikes that smell exquisite. It's an ideal focal point plant for a sunny, protected border, patio or for the exotic garden. It is also faster growing than the varieties with coloured foliage. In frost-prone areas it's best grown inside a warm greenhouse or conservatory.Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, well-drained soilSold in a 11cm pot. Web Orders:Due to the nature of this product we are unable to send by post or courier.We deliver to locally, we also offer a click and collect service.
  • This popular, palm-like tree has arching, lance shaped, light green leaves, retained throughout the year. Mature trees produce dramatic white flower spikes that smell exquisite. It's an ideal focal point plant for a sunny, protected border, patio or for the exotic garden. It is also faster growing than the varieties with coloured foliage. In frost-prone areas it's best grown inside a warm greenhouse or conservatory.Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, well-drained soilSold in a 2 litre pot.
  • This popular, palm-like tree has arching, lance shaped, light green leaves, retained throughout the year. Mature trees produce dramatic white flower spikes that smell exquisite. It's an ideal focal point plant for a sunny, protected border, patio or for the exotic garden. It is also faster growing than the varieties with coloured foliage. In frost-prone areas it's best grown inside a warm greenhouse or conservatory.Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, well-drained soilSold in a 3 litre pot.
  • Tender erect palm like evergreen tree red flushed bright green leaves, flushed reddish pink on underside. Lightly fragrant star shaped white flowers occasionally bloom in summer.Sold in a 11cm pot.
  • A stunning plant perfect for bringing a tropical feel to the garden. With its arching red sword-shaped leaves this compact, evergreen foliage makes ivory white flowers in summer.Ideal for growing in pots on patios and balconies. Easy to grow and requires little maintenance and pruning is limited to removing dead leaves in spring.This shrub can withstand -7C in winter, however, we recommended using frost protection with fleeces, wrapping or moving to a garage during the coldest months.Cordylines respond well to a slow release fertilizer. Occasional feedings with soluble fertilizers is also beneficial. Addition of extra sulphate of potash enhances their colour.Positioning: full sun, partial shadeSoil: moist, well drainedSold in a 2 litre pot.
  • Repeat flowering Portland shrub roseColour: Strawberry Pink RosettesScented: SlightHeight & Spread: 150cm x 150 cm, Flower head diameter 5cmPosition: Will thrive in most well drained soils. Best on an open, sunny site.More tolerant to shade than other roses.Plant Care: Roses benefit from the addition of organic material added to the soil. Feed in Spring, after pruning, and again in midsummer.Dead Heading: Remove spent flowers after flowering, this will encourage repeat flowering.Form: Shrub, sold in a 4 litre pot.** Picture image Courtesy of Whartons Roses shows Rose when in flower **
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