A spring delight, these hardy bulbs are perfect for naturalising in long grass, where they will quickly colonise, producing 5cm (2in) blooms heavily chequered in plum-purple or cream. Also suitable for rockeries and borders.Sow from autumn to spring in a good seed compost with one-third coarse grit or perlite added. Just cover with compost and then add 6mm (¼in) of chippings or grit. Place outside in a shady spot, open to the weather. Germination can take 1-12 months, Keep the compost moist through the summer, once most have germinated, move to a coldframe or well lit spot in the garden and keep well watered.Transplant carefully when the bulbs are dormant and grow on for 2-3 seasons before planting out in full sun and well drained soil 1-15cm (4-6in) apart.They can grow in grass if it isn’t cut until the leaves die down.