A rich, dark-green leaved variety of superb quality. Slow bolting and with good mildew resistance. An outstanding selection for growing as babyleaf, mid-size and mature crops.Direct sow outdoors from April to August in well prepared, fertile, moist soil in sun or semi shade. Early spring and late autumn sowings can also be made under cloches or in the border soil of a cold greenhouse. Sow seeds thinly at a depth of 13mm (½in) in drills 30cm (12in) apart in soil which has been raked to a fine tilth.When large enough to handle, thin out seedlings to 5cm (2in) apart. The thinnings are ideal for adding to salads. Sow every 3 to 4 weeks for a continual supply of spinach leaves throughout summer and autumn. Water spinach regularly as dry conditions may cause spinach plants to bolt. Harvest spinach leaves when required by picking a few leaves from each plant. Alternatively pull up whole, mature plants.