Well known, popular gardener variety, producing high yields of dark green, glossy, slightly speckled fruit.”Sow seeds from mid-April to early June, 20mm (½in) deep in 7cm (3.5in) pots or cells, using multi-purpose compost. Place in a propagator at 20-25°C (68-77?F) until germination which takes 7-10 days. Seeds can also be sown outdoorsin warm soil from May. It is tolerant to Yellow Mosaic Virus and Powdery Mildew.”Plant out into rich, moist, well prepared soil once frost risk has passed, 60cm (23in) apart each way. Keep well watered and harvest regularly to ensure continuous cropping.To continue the organic life cycle of these seeds, gardeners should follow recognised organic growing methods, avoiding the use of artificial fertilisers and pesticides.