Nandina are erect, evergreen compact shrubs with pinnate to 3-pinnate leaves composed of lance-shaped leaflets which colour well in autumn, and panicles of small, star-shaped white flowers. New growth emerges a bronze-orange colour in spring turning green with age but often retaining a red-orange flush. In autumn and winter, the foliage turns shades of red and gold. Conical panicles of small white flowers in summer are sometimes followed by red berries. Berries purely for decoration, NOT EDIBLE by Humans and Animals.’Gulf Stream’ is adaptable to a wide range of soils, but prefers fertile, hummus-rich, consistently moist, well-drained soils. It thrives in full sun with some afternoon shade. Once established, it is resistant to drought. It is resistant to frost, but may need some protection from harsh winds.Sold in a 5 litre pot.