Timperley Early Features:-This variety that can be harvested as early as February. Succulent red-based pink stems, passing to light green with red freckling. Very tender with a delicious sweet flavour. The leaves are very attractive but have a high level of oxalic acid that they are slightly poisonous. Self FertileUses: Eating & Cooking (not leaves)Easy variety to grow – performs well outside.Rhubarb Growing Tips:Needs an open, sunny site with moist, but free-draining soil. Avoid frost pockets as the stems are susceptible to frost. Do not harvest during the first year after planting as this will reduce the vigour. Once planted, ‘it should not be moved’ and appreciates a generous annual mulch of well-rotted compost or manure.Sold in a 3 litre pot.Picture image courtesy of Frank P Matthews.